Why I’m Not a Christian Nationalist: An Old Baptist Alternative

This post likely won't win me many friends. Obviously, Christian nationalists won't like me criticizing their position. But this post will likely frustrate many on the anti-Christian nationalist side of things too, because this post is NOT about principled pluralism, post-WWII conceptions of religious liberty, or really anything that would satisfy secular America today. Indeed,... Continue Reading →

Milne and Textual Conjectures by Calvin

The topic of the preservation of Scripture is a hot topic among the Reformed. Books are written, podcasts made, and articles posted (including this one!).  Garnet Howard Milne wrote a book on what the purity of the text of Scripture meant according to the Reformed called, ‘Has the Bible been kept pure? The Westminster Confession... Continue Reading →

The History of Confessional Christology

The Bible’s affirmation that Christ is both God and man yet one Christ is the mystery upon which all of redemption hangs. The Confession does not attempt to explain this mystery but presents us the classic Chalcedonian paradox, saying, “two whole, perfect, and distinct natures were inseparably joined together in one person, without conversion, composition,... Continue Reading →

Can We Learn From Roman Catholics?

Thanks to The Particular Baptist team for feedback and edits for this article. There is plenty going around suggesting that it would be improper to utilize Roman Catholic teachers in theology especially as it relates to the doctrine of God. It is easy to see why this would be the case. Roman Catholicism is not... Continue Reading →

Van Tillian Inconsistency

I want to start off by saying that I fall into the “presup” camp when it comes to apologetics. I find the position to be most consistent with Scripture (which I am not seeking to defend in this article). However, I find problems among those in the camp and even with some of Van Til’s... Continue Reading →

Mormonism and The Denial of Classical Theism

I to give credit to those on The Particular Baptist team that helped me with this article with recommendations and edits. With my deeper dive into theology proper and historical theology it has opened up considerations I have not taken into account before. In this case, with Mormonism’s theism and how this topic was dealt... Continue Reading →

Athanasius and the Arians: A Commentary

I’m currently working my way through John Behr’s book, “The Nicean Faith”. This is a very helpful work that goes into depth of theological and historical events surrounding and involved in the Council of Nicea. This article is really just from me reading and then writing down thoughts I have from my reading. Hope it... Continue Reading →

Confessing Simplicity Isn’t Enough

Can you spot the irony in the quote below? "He begot an only begotten Son before aeonian times (γεννήσαντα υἱὸν μονογενῆ πρὸ χρόνων αἰωνίων), through whom he also made the aeons and everything, begetting him not just in appearance but in truth, giving him existence by his own will, unchangeable and unalterable, a perfect creature... Continue Reading →

Lessons Learned From the Thomas Collier Incident

The Particular Baptists were not strangers to controversy. One of, if not their biggest, disagreements with the establishment around them was on the issue of infant baptism. They were distinct in that they generally argued against it from the perspective of covenant theology (see Sam Renihan's book, From Shadow to Substance). Although they agreed with... Continue Reading →

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